Peaceful Forest / Dark Halls

A set of two VR experimental experiences aimed to explore user’s intuitive interactions and their sensorial reactions to diverse and contradicting audiovisual stimuli.

Peaceful Forest Overview
Overview of the Peaceful Forest

Dark Halls

Dark Halls is a maze-like factory VR environment. Users can navigate through the space on a levitating platform by interacting with different parts of the environment. While trying to find the exit, they might uncover mysteries in an otherwise unthreatening space.

Darh Halls factory model
3D Model of Dark Halls' factory, done in Maya

Peaceful Forest

When exiting the factory space, users arrive at the Peaceful Forst, a meditative VR experience designed to induce a state of mindfulness. It consists on a relaxing space where it’s users can find refuge from any stressing environment. But looks can be deceiving, and threats lie even in beautiful places, creating an interesting dissonance for users to explore.

Peaceful Forest waterside
Forest's waterside
Darh Halls factory model
Zoomed out view of the level composition

Designed in Unreal Engine 4 for the HTC Vive.

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